Monday, 31 December 2018

Call for papers: Journal of Health Information and Librarianship

Call for papers (2018/2019 Edition)

Journal of Health Information and Librarianship (ISSN: 2408-6614)

The Journal of Health Information and Librarianship is the official journal of the Medical Library Association of Nigeria.

The Editorial Board of the journal is calling for high quality empirical reports, theoretical papers, and reviews. All submissions must be original manuscripts not submitted for publication in another journal. All articles submitted must be directly relevant to medical librarianship and health information dissemination with implications for the practice of the profession.

Papers will be accepted on the following themes:
Medical librarianship
Medical informatics
Health information
Consumer health information services
Patient education, Health education etc.

We have hosted our website for the journal and all published issues will soon be uploaded.
Visit us at:

Format for submission
Manuscripts should be typed on A4 sheets using MS word (Times new Roman, 12 points, double-spaced). The title, author's full name, institutional affiliation, position phone number and e-mail address should appear on the first page.
Submissions should include an informative abstracts of not more than 200 words and not less than four keywords. Tables and graphs should be included in the body of the work. The APA (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) referencing format should be used throughout the manuscript. All submissions will be peer reviewed.

APC: Fifteen thousand naira (#15,000)

Manuscripts can be submitted on the journal website at ( or as e-mail attachment to: and copy