Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Call for scholarship applications to attend NAML/AHILA Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya, March 2020

Call for scholarship applications to attend NAML/AHILA Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya, March 2020
The Network of African Medical Librarians (NAML) in collaboration with the Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA), is pleased to announce the availability of an NAML-AHILA Scholarship to enable librarians in H3Africa institutions to attend a skills development workshop titled ‘Information Skills Across the Research Lifecycle’ scheduled to take place 13-16 March, 2020 in Nairobi, Kenya.
The workshop, along with travel and lodging for participants is being sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) H3Africa Common Fund and organized by the U.S National Library of Medicine (NLM)
1. Objectives of the Program
The objectives of the skills acquisition and mentorship program are to:
· plan a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) training workshop for the librarian’s/health information professionals in H3Africa institutions;
· empower librarian’s /health information professionals from H3Africa institutions with skills to support researchers and educators through health information management and provision;
· enhance the capacity of librarians’ in H3Africa institutions to locate, retrieve and use health information to support their work.
· mentor junior librarian’s/health information professionals in H3Africa institutions.
With these objectives in mind, the NAML - AHILA Executive Board will welcome applications from librarians’ / information professionals from H3Africa institutions.  Applicants for the scholarship are required to observe all of the conditions, and any application that is not in compliance will not be assessed.
2. Workshop description /Contents
The workshop will equip participants with skills in the following thematic areas:
1.     Creating and managing research portfolios
2.     Navigate the scientific publishing landscape
3.     Big data analytics
4.     Introduction to literature searching for systematic reviews
5.     Bibliometrics
6.     Citation and reference management
7.     Advance literature searching and search strategies
3. Audience:
Eligible participants for this workshop are junior and middle level librarians in H3Africa institutions across the continent (Africa).
4. Eligibility Criteria
• Applicants for scholarship for the NAML-AHILA workshop must be currently working in a medical/health sciences library in an H3Africa institution.
• Application must be made only on the official application form
• Applicants must comply with all requirements regarding length of application as stated in the application form.
All applications will be considered in confidence, judged on their own merits of the case submitted by the applicant. The following criteria would be used in assessing each application received:
• The number of years the applicant has been working as a health information professional in a health sciences / medical library
• How does the applicant expect to benefit from attending the workshop?
• How does the applicant intend to utilize the skill acquired at the workshop?
5. Terms of acceptance by the scholarship winner:
• The NAML-AHILA Executive reserve the right to carry out checks as necessary on the identity and status of applicants.
• Applicants will be responsible for satisfying any visa requirements stipulated by the country  where the workshop will be hosted (Kenya).
• Applicants will provide evidence of necessary travel documents and arrangements at least thee-four weeks before the event.
• Successful applicants will be required to provide a written report of their experience in attending the workshop as a scholarship winner.

Applications must be made using the online application form below which can be better accessed using Mozilla Firefox or Chrome browser.
Applications must be submitted not later than the closing date of 28 January 2020.
Successful applicants will be notified not later than February 2, 2020.
For more information about the scholarship and for queries about the process of application, kindly contact: Dr Grace Ajuwon, and Dr. Alison Kinengyere