Tuesday, 29 March 2016

MLA HINARI/Research4Life Grant

The Medical Library Association (MLA) has announced the HINARI/Research4Life (R4L) Grant for 2016. Funded by the Elsevier Foundation, up to five awards, will support HINARI/R4L training activities that promote the use of the programs’ scientific research resources in emerging/low income countries.  The grants will benefit the users in the eligible countries as these individuals will obtain skills to effectively and efficiently use the HINARI/R4L resources and also become a training resource for their institutions or country.
This grant is an expansion of the Elsevier Foundation funded Librarians Without Borders®/E-library Training Initiative that has conducted HINARI/R4L training activities and developed/updated training material since January 2007. The MLA objective is to develop a community of librarians that will continue to support HINARI/R4L training and related development of instructional material.
Examples of possible proposals include:
  • Conduct workshops either as co-teacher with current E-library Training Initiative coordinator or at an institution where the applicant/organization has ties or currently is employed. Such proposals could include transportation and per-diem plus ‘in-country’ expenses for a workshop and a discretionary fund to support subsequent in-country training.
    • Trainer will need to demonstrate institutional support and a commitment to continue to work with key contact(s) in the workshop’s institution or country– as a facilitator for further activities.
  • Organize and teach R4L distance learning courses for specific audiences.
  • Organize a regional U.S. based workshop for information specialists interested in HINARI/R4L activities and/or researchers, faculty or students from institutions that have linkages with R4L registered organizations.
  • Create a new training module, distance learning course or training video or develop other distance learning formats.
  • Increase mechanisms for promoting/marketing of HINARI & R4L programs and their training resources.
  • Develop measurement tools regarding outcomes of training activities.
  • Raise awareness of MLA members.
  • Applicants are required to hold a professional library or information science qualification, but in the case of exceptional candidates this criterion may be waived. Transcripts or a copy of the diploma should be sent with all applications.
  • Applicants must be currently employed in a health and/or sciences library or related science information organization.
  • Individuals and/or institutions are eligible to submit proposals.
  • Applicants are not required to be members of MLA.
  • The grant award is contingent upon completion of the project within 18 months of notification of the award.
  • Agreement to submit an interim (9 month) and final reports to MLA’s Librarians Without Borders® The final report that focuses on the results of the project will be posted on the LWB Blog and may be published in other health/science-related information venues or journals.
  • The completed application form and additional documentation must be received by June 13, 2016.
  • More than one grant may be offered in a year. Grants range from $1500 to $6000 and are distributed in one payment.
  • Grant funds are distributed in June following the MLA annual meeting with the project completion date being December 31 of the following year.
  • If there are no appropriate applications, as reviewed by the jury, the association may elect not to fund a grant or multiple grants in a given year.
  • MLA will acknowledge applications upon receipt via email.
  • Completed application must include a detailed proposal explaining:
    • The objectives of the project in the context of HINARI/R4L training activities
    • A project timeline that clearly notes the proposed activities to be conducted within 18 months. Detailed information on how the grant funds will be used. Note: allowable expenses depend on the project submitted. In the case of a workshop, it can include international travel and per diem for a trainer and other costs associated with completion of the program.
    • Inclusion of measurement/evaluation tools during the project and, if possible, post-workshop outputs.
    • Plans for reporting on the project, such as an MLA annual meeting paper or poster or health/science related venues including relevant journals.
  • The completed application form must be received by June 13, 2016.
  • The applicant must submit their current curriculum vitae.
  • The applicant must submit their transcripts or a copy of diploma.
  • The applicant must submit three references letters from individuals, not related to the applicant, that include observations regarding the project’s feasibility.
  • Additional documentation related to the applicant’s qualifications to complete the project including additional funding sources may be included as appendices.
  • Note: the project description itself must be limited to six single spaced pages plus, if applicable, a spreadsheet and timeline appendices.
Ready to Submit an Application?
All supporting documents and application form must be completed by June 13, 2016. Incomplete and late submissions will not be considered.
ONLINE APPLICATION - Non-members must register as a guest-user.

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