AfLIA, the Library Association for Africa, focuses on the
development of libraries, information centers , library and information
personnel to offer cutting edge modern services to people on the African
continent to improve their lives.
AfLIA will be holding its 2nd Conference as an
Association and the 4th African Library Summit for
- LIS leaders
- LIS practitioners
- LIS educators
- LIS policy makers
- Young and emerging LIS leaders
- Organisations and Professionals working in partnership with African libraries
Venue: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
(UNECA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
Dates: 14th – 20th May 2017
14th -15th May 2017
16th – 20th May 2017
AfLIA General Meeting: 19th May
Conference Theme
Libraries in the Development Agenda: Repositioning African
Libraries to deliver on the Future We Want
- e - Africa : ICTs in the development of knowledge in Africa
- The role of libraries in building peace and justice in Africa
- Preservation of Africa’s culture and heritage
-African research for enhancing development
- LIS education in promoting the Development Agenda
- National / Public / Community Library Services leading the realisation of the Development Agenda
-Growth, Sustainability and Development
-Women and Youth services
Outcomes of Conference
- Development of strategies to realise the development agendas of the UN and the AU
- Decisions on technology and skills necessary as tools for librarians in the realisation of the development agendas
- Rekindle the need to preserve African culture and heritage for development
- Strategies for Public Libraries as development partners to enhance services to meet development agendas
- LIS education and practice of librarianship to meet the realisation of the development agendas
Guidelines for Submission of Proposals for Paper Presentation
Proposals must address the sub-themes and written in English,
French or Portuguese. It must be an original work of the speaker(s) and must
- Title of proposed paper
- Name(s) of speaker(s)
- Official Title of speaker (s) or Professional role
- Speaker's institutional affiliation, if any
- Speaker(s) e-mail address, telephone/fax numbers
- Abstract of the proposed paper (about 500 words); and a
- Short professional profile of speaker (s) - about five(5) lines eac
Length of Paper and Presentations
Papers should be between 3-20 pages long, in a Word file , Times
New Roman, 12 point typeface including an abstract derived from the content of
the paper and clear recommendations. 15 minutes will be allowed for Oral
presentation of the paper and 5 minutes for discussion.
Important Deadlines
15 October
Submission of the abstract
30 November 2016 Notification of acceptance/rejection.
15 February
Submission of full papers
15 March
Submission of presentation slides ("PowerPoint").
There will be a Poster session at the Conference
Guidelines for Submission of Proposal for Poster Session
Proposals must address the main theme or sub-themes and written in
English, French or Portuguese. To submit a proposal to participate in the
Poster Session, please provide the following information:
- Presenter's name, institution and email
- Poster title
- Poster description (limit 100 words)
- Goal
- Target audience
- Theme of Poster
Your topic could be described on a printed poster or by
photographs, graphics and pieces of text that you attach to graphics or
Presenters of a poster are expected to be present to explain their
posters and to hand out any leaflets, or other information materials, they
have available for viewers. Each presenter can therefore present
only ONE poster.
Important Deadlines
15 October
Submission of the abstract
30 November 2016 Notification
of acceptance/rejection.
15 February
Submission of full papers
TIPS FOR A GOOD POSTER - Present new ideas or present an application of technology; Have a
clear library relevance or perspective geared towards either of the themes;
Describe a project that is ongoing or near completion, not one that is yet to
Please email your proposal to:
with a copy to :
AfLIA is not able to support speakers financially so all expenses,
including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the
responsibility of the speaker(s) and attendees.
For more information visit AfLIA website :
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